How to Avoid the Coronavirus

As of today, March 4, 2020, the coronavirus (Covid-19) already reaches almost every corner of the world. The current projection is that it will continue its expansion.

coronovirus pandemic

I know this is creating stress, so I’m reaching out with some support. Please remember that statistically most healthy people who contract the virus will recover completely.

It doesn’t pay to panic, and in a case like this, getting smart and making appropriate preparations are far more effective than going into a frenzy.

So here are the recommended precautions and preparations. Most of the items are routine home use and you already have them. But in the special occasion, just go over the list again and ensure that they are of appropriate amount and high quality.

Basic Protective Measures

Take measures and don’t allow virus the chance to reach your body.

  • Stay aware of the latest information on the COVID-19, particularly local public health authority. Follow advice given by your healthcare provider, your local public health authority or your employer on how to protect yourself from COVID-19.
  • Wash your hands frequently. Regularly and thoroughly clean your hands with an alcohol-based hand rub or wash them with soap and water.
  • Maintain social distancing. No handshaking! Use a fist bump, slight bow, and elbow bump etc.
  • Use only your knuckle to touch light switches, elevator buttons, and doors etc.
  • Lift the gasoline dispenser with a paper towel or use a disposable glove.
  • Open doors with your closed fist or hip – do not grasp the handle with your hand, unless there is no other way to open the door. This is especially important on bathroom and public doors.
  • Use disinfectant wipes at the stores when they are available, including wiping the handle and child seat in grocery carts.
  • Keep a bottle of sanitizer available at each of your home’s entrances and in your car for use after getting gas or touching other potentially contaminated objects when you can’t immediately wash your hands.
  • Practice respiratory hygiene. Covering your mouth and nose with your bent elbow or disposable tissue when you cough or sneeze. Dispose the used tissue immediately. Beware that clothing on your elbow may contain infectious virus that can be passed on for up to a week or more!
  • Avoid touching your eyes, nose and mouth.

Improve Your Immunity

If having normal immunity, you are likely going to recover completely even though you contact the virus. In this special time, you may want to go some extra miles and prepare your body to the potential infection. There are many agents that have been approved to strengthen immunity and are effective against microorganisms. I do extensive research on the products and here are some my favorites. I list them here for your reference.

Immunity again coronavirus infection

Fever and Pain Relief

Cough Relief

Flu and Common Cold Remedy



There is no doubt that eye protection offers some degree of prevention from COVID-19 infection. In addition to wearing a mask and physical distancing, wearing eyeglasses reduces risk of covid-19 infection. The video below provides evidence that wearing eyeglasses reduces risk of covid-19 infection.

View Post




Home Disinfectant

clorox for coronavirus

Toilet Cleaner

Cloth Disinfectant

Food list

I know that every one has novel idea on fighting against this virus. If you have any thing new, please let me know and I will add your idea to the list. Together, we are going to win the war against this disease.


55 thoughts on “How to Avoid the Coronavirus

  1. First of all thank you so much for sharing such a wonderful article with us .Coronavirus is very deadly in the present world and has spread to many countries around the world and many have died. I live in Bangladesh Although the risk of coronavirus is low here and no patient has been identified yet. Nevertheless, I have been using some strategies to prevent this virus .Your article is very informative and important. I hope that by reading your article, everyone will gain important knowledge and benefit from this virus prevention strategy .I gained a lot of knowledge by reading your article. And I’m eager to share it on my social media and give it to everyone .

    Lastly, I hope everyone will benefit greatly from your article and will definitely share with you their new experience .

    1. I am glad that this article is useful for you. You are so luck that there is no case in your country, but keep the good work and ensure that this virus will not reach your land.

  2. This is a very timely and informative post.  As the Ncov19 virus or the Coronavirus as it is more often called continues to spread across the world, everybody is becoming more and more interested in knowing how to avoid the Coronavirus.

    The information you have provided on protective measures to take and what to do to improve ones immune system is very important for people around the world to be aware of.

    It is really commendable that you put this post together to help others to be aware and prepared just in case this virus is detected anywhere near to where we are living.

    1. You are right that the virus will be everywhere and we need to have measures to protect yourself and your family. Stuff provided in this article should all who would like to prepare for the worst. Wish you the best!

  3. Hi, Kcancer.Thank you for writing a wonderful article about conscious awareness Coronavirus is the name of a virus that is still discussed in many countries around the world. Everyone is terrified of the virus.Through television and social media Various awareness messages are being put out to protect against this virus.Definitely going to kick up my vitamin intake and pay attention to washing my hands and such. I work in a very public place, so who know what is being carried in and out of there. The common influenza virus is often contained using home remedies like an immunity-boosting concoction of olive oil, ginger, garlic, honey and lemon. We will use a supplement suggested by you to boost our immunity.

    1. Thank you for your nice advice on the immunity-boosting, such as ginger, garlic, and lemon etc. I am going to do more research and will add them to list.

  4. Great and amazing article. Coronavirus is a very deadly and contagious disease that has gone across 56 countries in the world. I really love your advice because it’s known now that handshaking can be contagious and it’s so important also to wear quality nose mask and good hand sanitizers. Thanks for sharing such an amazing article and I also reccomend this article helpful.

    1. You are right that prevention is critical. The best thing is that the virus is prevented from getting into our body, with this we should be free from the virus related illness.

  5. There is currently no vaccine to prevent coronavirus disease 2019 (COVID-19). The best way to prevent illness is to avoid being exposed to this virus. Here are some tips that I am working with.

    1.Avoid people that are sick as you may not know what is wrong with the person

    2.Clean and disinfect frequently touched object and surfaces using cleaning spray or wipe.

    Thanks a lot for sharing



  6. I have long sought such an informative article on how to avoid Coronavirus. I am in Romania and I want to say that we do not have so many people infected with Coronavirus (only 6). Unfortunately there is a misinformation made by the media. What we can do is follow all these recommendations to avoid getting infected with this virus. In your opinion, how long will it last until this virus disappears?

  7. Thanks for sharing this article. I think the real way to avoid the virus has to come from government measures and not so much the people. The virus will spread no matter how careful you are as an individual. I was in China during the outbreak and they dealt with it really well, it’s now controlled and people are back to work. In the rest of the world, governments need to understand that this is serious and to keep people out from work, travel, outdoor activities, until it’s controlled, otherwise they are being responsible for all the deaths yet to come, simply because they didn’t take it seriously enough.

    1. Thank you for sharing personal experience with us. I agree with you that Chinese government did a good job and the situation is under control, but the economy and people were suffering.

      In the democratic countries, people claim that they would like choose freedom and are afraid of death. Life is as normal and I doubt that they could control the epidemic unless that take actions as Chinese government did.

      Only time will tell and I wish all the best.

  8. The best way to go against corona virus is to take the preventive approach rather than subjecting it to a normal curative manner. This is quite great to see here and I’m delighted you have shared such sensitive information. I really like this information here and if I can, I will try to share with my contacts too. Thanks

  9. Hello there! Thank you very much for sharing this vital information with us. For me I think this ways given in this article to avoid Corona virus it’s helpful at least before the vaccine is discovered to get rid of this virus that has been disturbing the world for sometime now.

    I also agree with what you said about ‘not listening to the lastest information of this virus’ as these informations are misleading. Thanks!

  10. Thanks so much for sharing a great article to know more about how to avoid the coronavirus, as I live in Canada and it’s already some people with this virus in my area, it’s better to be well informed.

    Your article will help me to know what to do and what not to do to keep me and my family safer.

    I will follow your tips about not touching anything and to be aware of not touching my face, and to wash my hands more often.

    You have in your article a great list of vitamins to take to help us to improve our immunity and I think that is a great idea!

    At home we listen to the news to know more about what the government is telling people to do or not to do, to help everyone to stay healthy and safe.

  11. Hello, That is really useful article for present time. Thank you very much for informative post about this contagious virus.

    Present world is facing a lot of problems. Corona virus is really a great problem spread in world wide. More than 70 country has effected for it. So we need to make solution to solve the problem. We need to take some measurement steps to get rid from the problem. 

    you have posted how to avoid corona. It is really a nice thought. I have got some extra knowledge from your post. You have suggest some thing to maintain.

    thank you again for the post. I think it is really needed post. It is educative informative post. So I am going to share the post with others. Hope they will earn some new knowledge.

  12. It saddens my hearth when I read or hear about this disease causing so many problems and spreading at such a fast rate. Cases are now been recorded in the US and even down in Africa of CONVID-19. Like you rightly pointed out, healthy people who contact the virus will recover completely, so it is time for us to eat well and keep our environment safe and healthy

  13. Hi, it is a great and nice feeling to know that someone will create a great website like this and also create a write up on an article like this. The effect of Corona virus on us as humans and the entire environment is devastating. Serious measures has to be taken do as to prevent the virus from spreading. Thank you for this information

  14. Very helpful information you have shared, thanks!  The tips that you offered about opening doors, avoiding handshakes, and regularly washing hands are all great advice that everyone should consider.  Keeping clean hands is a great way to prevent the spread of the virus.  Do you have any thoughts on the effectiveness of hand sanitizers versus washing with soap and water?  Thanks again for the great information!

  15. I believe it’s necessary that all and sundry be educated on preventive measures to adhere to in the prevention of a combination of the virus, especially while no vaccine has been found to combat it. This will not just help whoever is involved but also help in reducing the spread of the virus on daily basis. Thanks for the information contained in your article 

  16. Thank you so much for presenting a contemporary article. The most powerful virus in the world has now discussed in detail about the Coronavirus, which is really commendable. About four thousand people have died and over 1 million have been infected so far in the world due to the virus. Reading your article will help anyone find ways to stay away from the virus.

    To get rid of the coronavirus, the products you mention in your article will be very helpful in getting rid of the coronavirus and improving the human immune system. The hands should always be kept clean and the hands should be kept away from the nose and mouth.

    I will also share with you all of the articles in this article with my friends and relatives so that they can be protected from coronavirus.

  17. The article has some very interesting ways to reduce the risk of infection and also for boosting immunity. As the epidemic has affected all humans across the globe, it is upto each and every one of us to make the effort to keep healthy and remain positive. As we have seen already in China and Singapore, the spread of the virus can be contained if the governments and the citizens work together in preventing the spread. The article presents some very simple but effective ways to prevent the disease and I’ll share the information with my friends in the local community.Thanks for sharing.


  18. Coronavirus is a deadly virus that is spreading like a bush fire set in dry plants. Everyone is terrified by the virus and an article like this is very timely. I think the government also needs to put across stringent measures to prevent the spread of the virus. For instance in Germany, many gatherings at some places where the virus have been found are under consideration to be banned from public gatherings exceeding 1000 people. In Italy some soccer leagues are being witheld without spectators only to prevent the spread of the virus. This is a great article, very timely and highly informative. Thank you for sharing!

  19. Much obliged to you for composing a magnificent article about How to Avoid the Coronavirus.Coronavirus is the name of a virus that is still talked about in numerous nations around the globe. Everybody is alarmed by the virus. Through TV and internet-based life, Various mindfulness messages are being set out to secure against this virus. The post you have given on defensive measures to take and what to do to improve one’s immune system is significant for individuals around the globe to know about. This is very extraordinary to see here and I’m enchanted you have shared such delicate post. I truly like this post here and in the event that I can, I will attempt to impart to my contacts as well. Much obliged

  20. Hello Anthony, big thanks to you for putting this wonderful article here. I’m very happy to see these means at which one can avoid contact and I feel they would be very effective especially when in public. Making use of mask and sanitizer would help a lot and I would make sure I an always with one. The virus is spreading really fast and I hope we all stay safe. Cheers

  21. Many thanks to you for sharing such an excellent article with us .Coronavirus is currently a very serious disorder and has spread to many countries around the world and many people have died.And in our country they are very few and no patient has been identified yet I am using some prevention strategies this time.And your article later learned about some of the virus prevention strategies that are very important to us.And I’d like to share your registration through my social media so that all my social media friends know how to prevent a virus.

  22. I live in Rome, Italy and as we are in lockdown at the moment because of the Corona virus, this is very good to read. 

    My experience here at the moment is that all public places like cinemas and museums have been closed, and public gatherings like music festivals have been postponed. At the supermarket there is a security guard at the door and they only allow a limited amount of people to be inside at any given time. So you have to queue outside before you are allowed to enter. This is to ensure that a distance of a meter can be between people and there is no “crowding”.

    This might be inconvenient, but I am sure it will help to slow the spread and keep us safe.

    I would also add that you should wear gloves when you are out. In the supermarkets here they supply us with a disposable plastic glove to choose produce, and I tend to keep them on until I leave the supermarket. I certainly agree with all the other precautions that you mention. Let’s stay strong and healthy.

  23. This virus is spreading all around the world and I must admit that even if I’m in a country where it didn’t touch many people (Quebec, Canada), I’m starting to get worried. We will never be prepared enough for this kind of virus. 

    Like you explained in your post, it is really important that each individual does the necessary to avoid the propagation of the virus.

    Here in Quebec, we have now 9 confirmed victims and the government is already talking about closing schools, university, etc. We must beware that this will have a huge impact on our economy so it is deeply important that we take the protective measures (like the ones you suggested) to avoid this situation.

    I hope the world will be able to control this virus soon!

    Nice article, thanks.


  24. Prevention is so much better than cure and that is what your article is all about. Thank you for this info, i’m in the UK and the 10th person have died from this virus. It so important to share knowledge at this time, your advice won’t go unheeded. Thank you again, i will be sharing this.

  25. This is a very useful article about how to be safe from COVID-19. It is one of the dangerous viruses which broke out in the world. But I think if we take the proper steps, we can be safe from this COVID-19. For this we have to frequently wash hands, have to use a mask and have to use hand sanitizer. On this website, you said about boosting our immune system which is very effective to keep our body fit. I think this article should be read by all the people who want to be safe from COVID-19. In this article, I have found so many important information about COVID-19 and I want to share this article with my friends and family and they can still read it and I think it would be helpful for them.
    Thanks for this helpful information with us. Great work and keep it up.

  26. In time like this, the most important  information  everyone need is what you have just provided for us in the simple but informative post. I’m a nurse by profession and one of the frontrunners in United Arab Emirates. Whenever we go out for outreach to educate the people on infection prevention and diseases measures, all what you listed in this post are part of our lists. I just want to say thank you for making this information available to the general public. 

  27. Corona virus has definitely changed our lives. It is scary to listen to the news that it is now mutated and the infection rate (the second wave) is slowly rising again. I live in NYC, we had a terrible start on the first wave but now it is not as bad. I feel bad for Florida and Arizona though. 

    Thanks for the list and the protocol that we all can practice to avoid getting the covid19. Hopefully, we have the cure soon. 

  28. 2020 has been such an unusual year. I initially wasn’t too worried about coronavirus because other pandemics haven’t seemed to reach my country, but this one has grown to be quite scary and I’ve been reading up as much as possible to try and keep my parents and in-laws safe. The point you make about eye protection is a good one. I’m currently wearing a mask but will now consider also buying a visor so there’s less chance of exposing my eyes to the virus. I’ll be checking out some more of your articles. Thanks.

  29. The dangers and many health defects and issues that come with the coronavirus makes it imperative, in my opinion, to avoid the virus as much as possible. Luckily, these tips and steps you’ve recommended will go a long way in sensitising people about the virus and teach them how to effectively avoid it. 

  30. Hello there, thanks a lot for sharing this wonderful piece of information here with us. I must say i really did enjoyed going through your review as it contains valuable informations one needs to be aware of in a time like this. For me improving ones immune system is the main key to fighting this virus as it has no cure as of now

  31. Hello there! Thank you very much for sharing this article on how to avoid the corona virus. I’ve gone through it and it’s a very elaborate one with details. It contains valuable information and is very helpful. I think everyone should adhere to these ways given here to help avoid the corona virus at least before the vaccine comes out. I personally will follow your tips because the corona virus is not what someone would like to have. Thank you. 

  32. Great information here and I really appreciate the fact that you shared this here.for what is worth, I think this is really great especially considering the resurgence in the pandemic that had been going on recently and I think more care should be taken. I appreciate you here for sharing this and it makes so much sense. Thoughtful of you to share

  33. Thanks you for sharing this post, it helpful and share more information about covid-19 and how to stay safe. It’s very helpful and it’ll serve as guidelines to a lot people in making their family and keep other people safe too. I’ll share this article around so that other people can benefit from it and also help others.

  34. This article is so much needed at this moment, make me even felt sorry for some who lost due to this pandemic. I wish some had actually saw this article long ago. You wrote this since in March and it is still with us  in Oct.. WOW.

    As simple as it may look this article can save lifes, it isn’t too late since it is still with us and we never know when it will end, as I stated thank you much for this article, its a life saving one, this has much value.


  35. The second wave is finally here and I live in NYC and I have to say the more that I try not to think about it the more that I think about it. So, I better find a solution on how not to get it. Thanks for sharing all these protectice measures. Did not know that Tylenol can help, that is interesting. I will be sure to wear glasses when I go out as well, keep forgrting that I can get it from the eye as well. 

  36. Thank you for this post. We all have been suffering from this pandemic and this article definitely is informative and helpful for many of us trying to keep healthy and stay safe. This is especially relevant as we are now hit with the second wave in the country right now. I definitely appreciate all the safety measures and recommendations you put in the post. Thanks again for your insight!

  37. Corona virus is the greatest issue the world is facing right now. In fact the whole world is at war with Corona virus, and still bent on getting a vaccine for it. Well, while researches are being carried out for the vaccine for it, it is best for one to do his or her best to avoid getting infected with the virus. Thanks for this article that has detailedly spelt out all that one should do to avoid Corona virus.

  38. Hi Anthony, thank you very much for this very interesting explanation here. You are very right; only a strong immune system will help us against viruses, bacterial and fungal attacks. That is our defense! And it needs to be strong. I believe it is important to eat only real food, organic food, and move a lot.  We have huge cities, and there will always be a lot of infections. People live very close to each other. So we can’t prevent it. You did a great job putting this list together. Certain supplements will strengthen our bodies, and Vitamin C is essential. I agree with you about that. Excellent post!

  39. Protection and prevention is always better than if you have to deal with the illness, that applies to all illnesses not only covid-19. Face masks or respirators are a must nowadays.
    It’s great that you provide advice on the vitamins that help increase immunity because having a strong immune system is essential. I’ve been taking vitamin C and zinc and I hope the vitamin D I get from the sun every day on my walks is sufficient to stay healthy.

  40. Like your site’s name, we all want to live a much healthier life, and your site provides valuable information on this topic. I would add a Featured Image at the top of your site that pertains to your niche. Some friendly image that sends a visual message to the reader about your site. 

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    You have done a good job—all the best with your site and organic traffic.



  41. It is a very good thing that you shared this article, it’s very true that 2020 has been a very challenging year all over the world and that is due to the outbreak of coronavirus which has caused a lot of damage, so knowing how to avoid the virus will be very helpful for personal health. This article is very practical, it’ll be of help

  42. I love the fact that you have actually taken your time to research the best methods to avoid the malevolent and evil coronavirus. I myself have already been infected but I know that the antibodies are only in our bodies for a short amount of time so this is definitely helpful for whenever I don’t have the coronavirus antibodies anymore

  43. This is an on trend, on topic article for this present time, and I like the way you have offered ways to improve the immune system as a proactive measure. I think the problem is with everyone having to stay in that maybe our immune systems are getting weakened because of that too, so I agree we should definitely be taking some types of vitamins to make up for this. Thanks for all the recommendations, I will be looking more into these. 🙂

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