Update October 2, 2020, Today President and first lady announced that they have tested positive for Covid-19. This is a siginificant event. We are going to see how this will impact on the US. Here is a video on this:
In the videos below, treatment for Presiednt Trump’s Covid-19 infection was discussed:
Here is the Preseidential COVID-19 Treatments:
Today is January 25, 2020, Lunar New Year. As of this moment, there are confirmed 1370 Wuhan Pneumonia cases and 41 deaths in China, 5 cases in Thailand, 4 cases in Australia, 3 cases in Singapore, 3 cases in France, 3 cases in Malaysia, 3 cases in Japan, 2 cases in Vietnam, 2 cases in South Korea, 2 cases in US, and 1 case in Nepal.
Apparently, epidemics of Wuhan Pneumonia is trending internationally and the cases are expected to increase exponentially from here.
As of June 11, 2020, the coronavirus covid-19 is affecting 213 countries. In the world there are 7,485,802 cases and 419,540 deaths. In the US, there are 2,066,860 cases and 115,157 deaths. Overall, the situation is under control and the country is gradually re-opening …
September 28, 2020 Update: The confirmed global death toll from the coronavirus has surpassed 1 million. Brazil still has not gotten the outbreak under control. Parts of Europe are seeing worrying second waves. In the U.S. there are 29 states reporting an increase in new infections compared to two weeks ago. India now appears on track to eclipse the United States as the pandemic’s epicenter. In the world there are 33,545,334 cases and 1,006,138 deaths. In the US, there are 7,361,611 cases and 209,808 deaths. With the Northern Hemisphere’s flu season approaching, and with cases and hospitalizations increasing, many countries face grim outcome of covid-19.
History of Wuhan Pneumonia
Around December 12, 2019, there were an emerging pneumonia patients without apparent cause. Most of the cases were from personnel who worked at the Huanan Seafood Wholesale Market, which sold fish and live animals.

On December 31, 2019, the World Health Organization was alerted by Chinese authorities the Wuhan pneumonia.
The Huanan Seafood Wholesale Market was the suspect of the outbreak and was closed on January 1, 2020.
The first patient died of Wuhan Pneumonia was on January 11, 2020.
On January 13, 2020, the first case of Wuhan pneumonia outside of China was reported in Thailand.
By January 20, 2020, more deaths from the Wuhan pneumonia and hundreds of new cases were reported. By then, human to human transmission of the disease is confirmed.
This was an unfortunate event. This is the busiest travel time for Chinese. Hundreds of million travel nationwide. It is estimated that the viruses were already spread throughout China. Based on the estimated incubation time of about 15 days, it is expected that there are going to have peak incidence around early February.
As of July 22, 2020, the highest covid-19 death rate country is San Marino. To learn more, watch the video below:
Cause of Wuhan Pneumonia
The Wuhan pneumonia is caused by a novel coronavirus, named 2019-nCoV. As of today, June 6, 2020, this virus was renamed as COVID-19 (Coronavirus Disease 2019). This virus was isolated from patients suffering from Wuhan pneumonia all over the world.
Clinical Symptom of Wuhan Pneumonia
All patients have flu-like symptom, such as fever, breathing difficulties and coughing. Enter HERE to learn the detailed covid-19 symptoms.
As flu season approaching, it is important to differentiate the symptoms of different respiratory virus infections, such as common cold, influenza, and covid-19. The video below give you information on how to differentiate the symptoms of these three illnesses.
As of today, October 20, 2020, the pandemic is more than 9 months now. Every one of us suffers some kind of crisis or pandemic fatigue. It is a normal reaction to the unusual events happening right now. When in danger, our body releases hormones, such as adrenaline and cortisol, which help us prepare for the crisis. However, in the long run the stress hormones can harm our physical and mental health, causing crisis or pandemic fatigue. The video below discuss on how to deal with crisis or pandemic fatigue.
Long Covid is the patient who is not recovering after more than three weeks following the start of covid symptoms. So far there is no treatment for the patients and the focuses are on the relieve of patient’s symptoms. Watch the video below to learn more about Long Covid.
Diagnosis of Wuhan Pneumonia
So far, the diagnosis of the disease is based on the identification of viral specific genetic information from patient samples.
Treatment of Wuhan Pneumonia
As of June 9, 2020, there is no medication for treating COVID-19. On September 30, 2020 sixteen life science companies and the Bill & Melinda Gates foundation signed a joint communique against covid-19.
Authorities granted permission for some medication for emergency use:
- Two malaria drugs: hydroxychloroquine and chloroquine
- Antiviral drug: Remdesivir
- COVID-19 patient convalescent serum
Most treatment is directed at relieving symptoms, such as:
- Pain relievers (ibuprofen or acetaminophen)
- Cough syrup or medication
- Rest
- Fluid intake
As July 23, 2020, the longest covid-19 patient is Larry Kelly who survived 128-day hospital stay. Please watch the video below for the story:
Vaccine for Wuhan pneumonia
Enter HERE to review update on Covid-19 vaccines.
Prevention of Wuhan Pneumonia
Tips to prevent covid-19 infection
The responding to the covid-19 pandemic has been a mammoth task. We have never been in situation like this in world’s history, where we had to essentially shut down all countries, one by one, on the planet.
Shutting down the countries helps us control the spread of the virus. Now we are in the process of marching forward to some sort of normalization. We are re-opening the world.
The covid-19 is not 100% eradicated from the earth. As a matter of fact, the covid-19 is still in every corner of our community.

With re-opening our society, we all need resume our normal activities. One of the most important task for us is going back to work.
Here is 8 tips to prevent covid-19 infection. The basic principle is that we should try our best to prevent any chance of spreading and contacting the virus. It is important that we need to have prevention plans in every step in our daily life. Have detailed preparations and know what to do in any circumstances.
- Walk, bike, and drive to work
The safe way to work is walk, bike or drive your own car, since these tools are likely prevent you from contacting the virus or spreading the virus to others.

If you need to use public transportation, such as bus or train, be aware that there are viruses in these transportation tools. Try your best to keep distance from others and wear mask. Wash your hands after using the transportation as soon as possible. Wash hands with soap for at least 20 second and if this is not possible, try to use wipes to clean your hands.
- Open window if taking taxi, Uber or Lyft
Before entering the care, ensure that the driver wears mask and has no any covid-19 symptoms.
After entering the car, open the window to have a efficient ventilation and dilute virus within the car.

Don’t let the driver or any other people touching your lugguage and take your own lugguage.
- Clean your desk and computer at least daily
Even though you have personal desk and computer, you should clean them one or twice daily to ensure that they are virus free all the time.

Be careful that don’t over-clean since the alcohol or other detergents may irriate your eyes and skin.
You may use portable air purifier to keep the air in your office fresh and virus free. Avoid use electric fan, since it may spread the virus.
- Clean office suppliers
The list of office suppliers are huge, such as scissors, pencil, pencil sharpener, post-it note, calculator, glue stick, tape, and clips etc.

All are considered to have virus and clean them before you touch them.
- Keep meeting to minimal level
Try to reduce the meeting to a miniml level. In the meeting, we need to speak, which provides the chance to spread virus.

If meeting is invitable, reduce the participants to minimal, have short time, keep distance, and wear mask. If possible, have air purifier in the meeting room.
If possible, it may be safe to have meeting in outdoor with good air circulation.
- Have lunch alone
The best practice of having lunch is to bring your own lunch and to eat alone. If you need to communicate, don’t do it during eating and do it after eating, wear mask, walk with social distance, and talk as appropriate.
Use pre-packed individual food and don’t share food.

If you need to buy food, try to buy from the site with fewer people and don’t need to line up.
Even eating outside, try not to do it with your colleagues or friends, since while eating it is not possible to use mask.
Beware of the potential contamination from shared water machine, micro-oven, and refrigerator.
- Use elevator cautiously
Elevator has limited space and is the potential source for virus. Try to not touch anything in the elevator and if you need to touch something in the elevator, use paper towel or glove. Have mask and face the wall of the elevator. If you touch the elevator with naked hand, wash your hand immediately after leaving elevator.

- Use bathroom carefully
It is known that the covid-19 relpicates in the digestive system. Bathroom is the highest source of virus contamination.

Go to bathroom when there is no people in. Avoid use the air-dry, since strong air current may aid in spreading the virus. Use gloves or paper towel when touch door knob or water faucet.
Here is the video on Tips On How To Prevent Covid-19 Infection:
Final Thoughts
Wuhan Pneumonia is a challenging disease. With effective prevention measure, it is likely to control the disease in a foreseeable future.
Update on the Wuhan Pneumonia
Why Is 2019 n-CoV Novel?
Impact of Wuhan Pneumonia
Truth about Wuhan Pneumonia
COVID-19 Transmission
COVID-19 Transmission, Part 2
COVID-19 Treatment
COVID-19 on the Cruise
COVID-19 on the Cruise, Part 2
COVID-19 Superspreader
COVID-19 is at Brink of Pandemic?!
COVID-19 is at Brink of Pandemic, Part 2
COVID-19 is at Brink of Pandemic, Part 3
COVID-19 is at Brink of Pandemic, Part 4
COVID-19 is at Brink of Pandemic, Part 5
COVID-19 Pandemic Is Here!
These are excellent tips on preventing the spread of coronavirus. It is, however, sad that we have to live like this now, always suspecting possible infection, not trusting other people to be safe … It is a different world, but if this is the way to keep us protected then this is how we have to do it.
Some countries are opening up while others are still closed, but measures are slowly relaxing.
I also hope that those wet meat markets will be closed down. This is where it all began, apparently, and I have read other sources that confirmed the same theory. All viruses until now have always been related to our meat production. It is high time that we make changes to prevent another one.
The coronavirus will be with us for a while. I agree with you that we will need to live in the current status for a while or until we have safe and effective vaccine. Yes we need to close the wet market, which is the source of the coronavirus.
Thank you for the information on the Wuhan Pneumonia or COVID-19. Scary stuff. I watched a few of your videos and learned even more from them. Do you know if a cure for the virus is being worked on there at the source of the disease? Has the fish market re-opened at this time?
We have had friends die from the disease and are hoping to remain clear and free until a vaccine is developed. I have worked from home since mid-March. I am hoping to be able to continue to do so for at least the next couple of months.
At this moment, there is no cure for covid-19 and the best way to protect us from infection is to avoid contacting the virus. Yes, staying home is the best way to prevent contacting and spreading of the virus.
The fish market is open now, but the live animals, such as snakes, bats, and pangolins that may be associated with coronavirus, are forbidden. This is correct and important to prevent any potential virus spreads.
Great article and excellent explanation of the Covid-19 progression. I’ve followed this virus rather closely as well. It has been a surreal set of events in the world. Usually, when there are things going on in your own area or in some other country, you know you can leave home for a trip to some other place and get away from whatever your local discomforts are, or you can avoid traveling to a country that is having some issue. But right now, there is practically nowhere to go because this pandemic has been globally invasive. Maybe the Antarctic is a place to travel to with minimal fear of contracting Covid, but there’s nothing there.
And I’m with you, we all need to get our worlds back rolling, albeit very carefully and with new precautions in mind.
Thanks for the great article.
Covid-19 is a topic that took over the entire world. I see that your article is from January 2020 and now is July 2020.
It’s so scary to know that the numbers you mention in your article are reaching millions and that they still don’t know an actual cause either cure of the Covid – 19 so-called Corona.
There is so many theories and opinions, many doctors talking to the public. So many opinions about the virus and people being affected by it.
I just hope this will be ended soon. And that we will continue with our normal life.
Honestly, in the beginning I don’t take it seriously. As the situation developed, I see that my friends suffered and died of it, I started to look at this carefully. As you predicted, the entire situation turned out to be huge disaster and took the world by surprising. This is actually a very big case for alarm.
This is actually the very first time I’m reading about Wuhan pneumonia, and I think it’s really interesting that I get to know about it cos there are lots to under about it. Health is wealth as they do say, I like how you’ve made this article detailed and very understandable. I’ll bookmark this website.
I must appreciate the effort put into providing the content displayed on this website.
Pneumonia and other sicknesses are not things to be taken lightly or even for granted. As we can see that it is currently affecting all aspect of our social and economic well being. I am not really happy hearing about this outbreaks. Something has to be done and fast.
You write this post around the beginning of this year and it was a time when the whole pandemic thing has not gotten so widely known. I feel like you might have to give am update on this because I am worried and I want to know if this pneumonia has anything to do with the Corona virus pandemic.
Hello there, its really nice to get information on the health issue and how to deal with them which less than 60% of the world has little knowledge of tens things and it’s really bad because the lack of understanding of this wuhan pneumonia would lead to more cases because the infected people wouldn’t know how to prevent it. Thanks for sharing
In review of the article truth about Wuhan pneumonia, the pneumonia of unknown etiology have been confirmed in Wuhan city, China. Wuhan city is a major transportation hub with a population of more than 11 million people. Most of the patients visited a local fish and wild animal market, an academician of the Chinese Academy of Engineering, who led a scientific team announced that a new‐type coronavirus, tentatively named by World Health Organization as the 2019‐new coronavirus (2019‐nCoV), had caused this outbreak. This outbreak affected many countries.
Thank you.
With experience with diseases and outbreaks of pneumonia I have come to understand that when these sicknesses are not well treated with all the measures absolutely available, they tend to grow to be something very serious and that is when we can’t curb. This article is an eye opener and I hope we take action to prevent the covid-19 from spread, esp, the winter season is coming and there is a high chance of another wave of covid-19 transmission.
I feel like living with Coronavirus is new ‘normal’ now and i thing virus is here to stay just like other strain of flu virus. You have provided excellent tips to incorporate in everyday life now. And i think if everyone take a caution and treat everything as a potential source of infection than we can decrease the spread of coronavirus.
Now that kids have started school in most part of the world, i am worried about kids getting infected with the virus. I hope everybody fulfill their due diligence and take the preventive measures seriously!
Great article, Thank you!!
This topic has taken over the world news since February 2020. It is something we are all trying to live with. our borders were opened and the numbers sky rocketed in a matter of weeks. We live on a tourist island with very few tourists here. I feel sorry for the bars and restaurants who are struggling. The death rate was not very high here, which is a good thing. thank you for the very detailed information.
Thank you for sharing the details to this here. You know most of us do not know or lack the full knowledge about what this is all about. Though the treatments and all have been making rounds but nothing really special has surfaced till now. Surely a good thing to see here. Thank you for sharing with us
It’s very interesting to read through this captivating article, reading through it now I’ve been able to gain a lot of things and a better understanding of what the Wuhan pneumonia is all about. Thanks for sharing this around here, it’s very thoughtful of you to share. I look forward to more facts like this.
Hello there! Thank you for dropping an article that we all can relate to. Covid-19 is a topic that took over the entire world. I see that your article is from January 2020 and now is July 2020. It’s so scary to know that the numbers you mention in your article are reaching millions and that they still don’t know an actual cause either cure of the Covid – 19 so-called Corona. I must confess, the cure worked very fast for Trump. I really wish it’s distributed to the rest part of the world so life can continue again
I think that besides news channels which I honestly do not follow religiously, this is the most in depth, comprehensive and outrightly informative piece of media form that I have seen on the coronavirus and I have to say that it broke my heart a little being reminded how this pandemic started and I hope we get over it soon by God’s grace.
Great site, well done. I found the detail and content very easy to comprehend about Wuhan Pneumonia. The information provided is not complicated as it makes us to understand that Wuhan Pneumonia is a challenging disease and this article is aimed at providing enough information for us to be informed with effective preventive measures. Thanks for putting this through.
This is definitely challenging time we are now and I don’t think that Covid-19 is leaving any time soon as it’s very hard to completely wipe it out from the surface of the earth. But if everyone keeps on maintaining the health rules, then it won’t be for long until it is out before we start living our normal life. I’ve not been following news of this Covid-19 lately, but I’m glad I bumped unto your blog on this subject.
It is really getting out of hand in the world with the coronavirus, isn’t it? In my country Belgium, we are going for a second lockdown, because there are over 7000 people infected every day, in a small country off 11 million people only!
I would like to thank you for keeping it updated with info in your article.
Stay safe!
We hardly go through a single day without thinking about COVID-19. It has changed everything about the way we live – and that is worldwide – the way we work and, most importantly changed our social habits, and this is likely forever, or for a very long time. We have always had the habit of washing our hands – we didn’t want to catch anything else either! – but this adds an extra level of something to be concerned about.
COVID-19 is very bad disease but not everyone feel and think that way. We are not very sure how this disease is working and how would it do with us. I haven’t got it yet luckily and I hope I don’t get it too. Yeah president Donald Trump had it too but he got out of it because of the cure that worked on him. Nothing is clear how we can treat it but if Dexamethasone worked on Donald Trump then maybe it can work on others too?
What a wonderful post. It sure is filled with some amazing information on the pandemic. Some of it I knew already, but a lot of it, I didn’t, so thank you for that. I like to hear all the tidbits, as I feel the more we know the more we can help understand everything.
I like your tips for staying safe, like the public bathroom tips and things like using the elevator. Small spaces obviously are a challenge, and all of your tips are super helpful. I really enjoyed your post, so thank you.
Thank you for sharing the sequence of the events of this covid-19 pandemic. It is crazy that it been a year already that this virus has changed our lives. Thank you for sharing the tips on how not to put ourselves exposed to covid-19. I am actually the essential worker so I am getting my shot this coming Friday and it is from Pfizer. But I still have another 3 weeks to wait for the 2nd shot and hopefully everything goes well.