Keto Summit

There are several Keto Summits in 2019.

“KETO”, Ketones, Keto diet, Ketogenic diet, or Ketogenic lifestyle, is one of the most searched words on the internet today for good reason.

The greatest health discovery of this century may already be inside your body. Ketones in your body help you burn fat for energy, powerfully reduce inflammation and show promise in preventing and eradicating diabetes, cancer, autoimmune and neurodegenerative diseases like Alzheimer’s and Parkinson’s, and many other health concerns.

The keto summit allows you to learn how to leverage the mighty power of KETONES to keep fit and thrive in life!

The Keto Edge Summit is online and free from August 5-11, 2019! This keto summit is now open for registration:

Keto edge summit 2019

Dr. David Jockers, host for The Keto Edge Summit, overcame skin cancer in part by switching to a ketogenic diet. Within 6 months of diagnosis, his cancerous nodule had vanished — and, he gained significantly more energy and mental clarity.

Now, he teaches patients how a ketogenic lifestyle can give them the edge to conquer disease, return to health and upgrade quality of life.

He’s here to help you by sharing that wisdom.

During this health summit, you’ll discover:

  • What is ketosis?
  • How does it work?
  • Myths, and how to separate fact from fiction!
  • How to overcome the challenges of being “keto adapted.”
  • Whether you should start a keto diet (or not!).
  • How to shop, live and eat on a ketogenic lifestyle.
  • And much more!

Here are some keto experts, who will present at the keto summit:

  • Gez Agolli: Keto in a Clinical Setting
  • Ty Bollinger: Sugar-Cancer Connection
  • Evan Brand: Ketogenic Diet for Mold Illness
  • Cheryl Burdette: Inflammation and the Ketogenic Diet
  • Anna Cabeca: Using Keto for Menopause
  • Dominic D’Agostino: Research and Advancements in Nutritional Ketosis
  • Veronique Desaulniers: Using Keto for Breast Cancer
  • Will Cole: Adrenal Fatigue and Keto
  • Jay Davidson: Keto for Chronic Infections
  • Michael Dugan: Strategies to Overcome the Keto Flu
  • Craig Emmerich: How to Do a Ketogenic Cleanse
  • Edward F. Group: Fasting, Ketosis and Stem Cells
  • Rodney Habib: Using Keto to Help Our Pets
  • BJ Hardick: Keto and Detoxification
  • Jeremy Hendon: Hacking Ketosis for Better Results
  • David Jockers: The Top 7 Benefits of a Ketogenic Lifestyle
  • Isaac Jones: Keto for High Performance
  • Doug Kaufmann: Using Keto for Yeast and Fungal Overgrowth
  • Megan Kelly: Keto Kitchen Makeover
  • Justin Marchegiani: Keto Hacks for Hypothyroidism
  • Drew Manning: Fit to Fat to Fit with Keto
  • Jimmy Moore: Keto Cholesterol Clarity
  • Brian Mowll: Beating Diabetes with a Ketogenic Diet
  • Mike Mutzel: Keto and the Microbiome
  • Melissa Nohr: Shopping for Success on a Ketogenic Diet
  • Peter Osborne: Dropping Grains and Carbs to Reduce Chronic Pain
  • David Perlmutter: Keto for Brain Health
  • Daniel Pompa: How to Follow a Cyclical Ketogenic Diet
  • Jordan Rubin: The Keto Collagen Lifestyle
  • Thomas Seyfried: Keto and Cancer Metabolism
  • Mark Sisson: How to Transition into a Ketogenic Diet
  • Leanne Vogel: Keto for Women
  • Liana Werner-Gray: Eating Keto from the Earth
  • Nasha Winters: The Metabolic Approach to Cancer
  • Jack Wolfson: Keto for Heart Disease

You definitely don’t want to miss what may be the most important discovery of this century, which can be employed to improve your quality of life. Register for The Keto Edge Summit today:

Another keto summit is Dr. Berg’s Keto Health Summit 2019, which is physical meeting at the Gaylord National Resort & Convention Center at the Maryland National Harbor Hotel in Washington, D.C. on August 31 and September 1.

This event provides a wonderful opportunity to meet keto experts face to face. The experts include:

  • Eric Berg
  • Joseph Mercola
  • Nadir Mir Ali
  • Bret Scher
  • Eric Westman
  • Benjamin Bikman
  • And more

You will learn everything on healthy ketosis, such as keto and digestion, keto and nutrition, keto and exercise, keto and cholesterol, & high-level keto hacks.

Besides the Dr. Berg’s Keto Health Summit 2019, you can also find some other Keto associated event in different parts in North America in this website:

You can also find more keto meetings in this website:

Please note: among all Keto events, only Keto Edge Summit is free. Please register for this event here:

4 thoughts on “Keto Summit

  1. Thanks for sharing the link to the Keto summit! I’ve certainly heard about ketosis and the keto diet, but have not explored any further on the topic. I have signed up to attend the summit to learn more about it. I hope to learn how to incorporate it into my daily routine – will it help with arthritis?

    1. It is so nice to hear that you signed up for the Keto Edge Summit. The free summit will cover all aspects of keto and you will love it!

      We know that arthritis is an inflammatory disease. Although there is no official clinical trials on keto diet on treatment of arthritis, there are numerous reports that indicate ketogenic diets have the potential to relieve or even cure arthritis by boosting adenosine, lowering blood sugar, reducing reactive oxygen species, and inhibiting inflammation. It is certainly worthy to try keto diets for arthritis.

  2. Thanks for bringing this health related subject summit up to us.

    honestly I was not aware of Ketones and it’s ٍeffects. my brother was diagnosed by diabetes disease. It’s shame that I am not able to be attend in this amazing summit. but I will show your article  to my brother soon.

    again, thanks for your article

    1. The Keto Edge Summit will start on August 5, 2019 and you have the chance to attend this wonderful free event. There are several presentations on Keto Diet and Diabetes in this summit. It is completely possible to reverse the diabetes by using of Keto diets. Good luck with your brother’s diabetes recovery. Feel free to contact me if you have any questions>

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