What Is The Best Diet To Lose Weight?

Many people, including myself, are looking for the best diet to lose weight. Before we discuss the best diet to lose weight, we need to have a basic idea of different kinds of diets.

Most of the diets claim to have the functions of helping weight loss. In this article, we are going to discuss 10 popular diets in US, although there are hundreds different diets in the world. We pay particularly attention to their effects on reducing weight. After reading this article, I wish you have good idea of what is the best diet to lose weight for you.

1. The Atkins Diet


  • Dr. Robert Atkins.


  • The diet is low in carb, high in fat and protein.
  • Carb, like potatoes, white bread, and rice are squeezed out.
  • Fat, like chicken, meat, and eggs are embraced.
  • The diet is flexible, with a wide variety of choices to suit a variety of eating preferences and lifestyles.
  • Four phases of the Atkins diet: induction, ongoing weight loss, pre-maintenance, and lifetime maintenance.


  • Allow fatty food.


  • Strict limits on breads and other carbs, over-consuming fat raising health concerns.

Sample Recipe

  • Steak.


  • Moderate.

Weight Lose Potential

  • This low-carb diet appears to be effective in reducing weight.

If you want to learn more about “The Atkins Diet”, please review the following book:

2. The Flexitarian Diet


  • Dr. Dawn Jackson Blatner.


  • The name of the diet is a combination of flexible and vegetarian, achieving the benefits of vegetarian, while also enjoying animal products in moderation.
  • Eat mostly fruits, vegetables, legumes, and whole grains.
  • Focus on protein from plants instead of animals.
  • Be flexible and incorporated meat and animal products from time to time.
  • East the least processed and most natural form of foods.
  • Limit added sugar.


  • Flexible and lots of recipes.


  • Emphasis on home cooking and not work if you don’t like fruits and vegetables.

Sample Recipe

  • Honey garlic tofu.


  • Low.

Weight Lose Potential:

  • Moderate help with weight loss since flexitarian limit high-calorie, processed foods and eat more plant foods that are naturally lower in calories.

If you want to learn more about “The Flexitarian Diet”, please refer to the following book:

3. The Ketogenic or Keto Diet


  • Modified from anti-epilepsy diet.


  • Keto diet is low in carb, moderate in protein, and high in fat.
  • Typical Keto diet contains 75% fat, 20% protein, and 5% carbs.
  • 50 grams or fewer carbs.
  • Ideal fat is grass-fed meat and butter, olive oil, avocado, oily fish, nuts and seeds.
  • Perform test to make sure that you enter ketosis.


  • can be difficult to be compliant.

Sample Recipe

  • Keto instant pot crack chicken.


  • Low

Weight Lose Potential

  • The keto diet is an effective to lose weight.

If you want to learn more about “The Keto Diet”, please review the following book:

4. The Mayo Clinic Diet


  • Mayo Clinic


  • Emphasizes fruits, veggies and whole grains.
  • Lose it, no eating while watching TV, no sugar, no snacking, no eating out, no consuming too much meat and full-fat dairy
  • Live it, with proper calories you can intake and with regular physical activity.


  • Nutritious diet, make your own menu.


  • Laborious work and pricey

Sample Recipe

  • Burrito bowl


  • Moderate.

Weight Lose Potential

  • Following the rules, you are going to lose weight.

To learn more about “Mayo Clinic Diet”, please review the following book:

5. The Mediterranean Diet


People in the countries surrounding the Mediterranean Sea.


  • It is an eating pattern, not a structured diet.
  • Diet low in red meat, sugar, and saturated fat and high in produce, nuts, and vegetables.
  • Core foods to enjoy every day: whole grains, fruits, vegetables, beans, herbs, spices, nuts and healthy fats such as olive oil.
  • Twice weekly servings of fish and seafood.
  • Moderate portions of dairy foods, eggs, and occasional poultry.
  • Limit red meats and sweets.
  • A glass of red wine a day.


  • Nutritious diets, diverse foods and flavors.


  • Labor extensive and moderate pricey.

Sample Recipe

  • Mediterranean pasta salad.


  • Moderate.

Weight Lose Potential

  • Mediterranean diet is relatively rich in fats, such as olive oil, avocado, and cheese. Some people fear that it may keep them fat. On the opposite, it leads people slim and help people lose weight.

If you want to learn more about “The Miditerranean Diet”, please refer to the following book:

6. The Ornish Diet


  • Dr. Dean Ornish.


  • Ideal diet is low in fat, refined carbs, and animal protein.
  • Emphasize exercise, stress management and relationships.


  • Full of nutrition, good for heart health.


  • Hard to follow, pricey.

Sample Recipe

  • Tacos.


  • Moderate.

Weight Lose Potential

  • If selecting food with produce, whole grains, and fish, exercise regularly, you are likely to lose weight.

If you want to learn more about: “The Ornish Diet”, please review the following book:

7. The Paleo Diet


  • Walter Voegtlin.


  • The diet advises eating only foods presumed to be available to Paleolithic humans.
  • The Paleo diet emphasizes whole food, lean protein, vegetables, fruits, nuts and seeds.
  • Discourage processed foods, sugar, dairy, and grains.


  • Clean diets without additives, preservative, or chemicals.


  • Fresh organic food can be pricey.

Sample Recipe

  • Perfect paleo pizza.


  • Moderate.

Weight Lose Potential

It can help you lose weight because the diet is high in protein, low in carbs, and incredibly filling.

If you want to learn more about “The Paleo Diet”, please refer to this book:

8. The Vegan Diet


Donald Watson first used the term “Vegan”.


  • Vegan diets are based on grains and other seeds, legumes, fruits, vegetables, edible mushrooms, and nuts.
  • The Vegan diet restricts all animal products, including dairy, eggs, and animal-derived products, like gelatin, honey, albumin, whey, and casein.


  • Lack some vital nutrients.

Sample Recipe

  • Kung Pao Broccoli.


  • Low.

Weight Lose Potential

  • Vegan diet leads to reducing the number of high-calorie foods you consume and ends up replacing such foods with high-fiber alternatives that are low in calories and keep you fuller longer.

If you want to learn more about “The Vegan Diet”, please review the following book:

9. The Volumetrics Diet


  • Dr. Barbara Rolls.


  • Based on energy density, food is divided into four groups. Category one (very low-density) includes nonstarchy fruits and vegetables, nonfat milk and broth-based soup. Category two (low-density) includes starchy fruits and veggies, grains, breakfast cereal, low-fat meat, legumes and low-fat mixed dishes like chili and spaghetti. Category three (medium-density) includes meat, cheese, pizza, french fries, salad dressing, bread, pretzels, ice cream and cake. And category four (high-density) includes crackers, chips, chocolate candies, cookies, nuts, butter and oil.
  • You’ll go heavy on categories one and two, watch your portion sizes with category three, and keep category four choices to a minimum.
  • Focus on foods high in water, like soup, fruits and vegetables, yogurt, and pasta.


  • No food limit.


  • Long meal preparation time, need to like fruits, vegetables, and soup.

Sample Recipe

  • Pasta.


  • Low.

Weight Lose Potential

  • You have the potential to lose weight, if you focus on Category one and two foods.

If you want to learn more about The Volumetrics Diet, please refer to the following book:

10. Weight Watchers Diet


  • Weight Watchers


  • The program is based on the behavioral weight management techniques.
  • The SmartPoints system guides member toward an overall eating pattern that is lower in calories, saturated fat and sugar, and higher in protein.
  • You can eat whatever you want, provided you stick to your daily SmartPoints target, a number based on your gender, weight, height and age.


  • No foods limits, eat what you want and flexibility to shape your own diet.


  • Need to pay membership fee and can be expensive.

Sample Recipe

  • Egg, Bacon, and avocado sandwiches.


Expensive, new members pay a $20 starter fee and then pay additional fee, if you choose other services.

Weight Lose Potential

  • Weight Watchers is effective for weight loss, but the effectiveness depends on individual’s willpower.

If you want to learn more about “The Weight Watchers Diet”, please review the following book:

The key factor people gain weight is generation and accumulation of fats in the body. To lose weight, you need to burn more fat than the synthesis of new fat. You need to teach your body using fat as the sources of energy and to effectively burn fat.

Keto diet assists the body entering ketosis, which is a biochemical process that burns fat and creates ketones as energy sources. It has the greatest potential to reduce overall amount of fat in the body and decrease weight. Thus, keto diet is the best diet to lose weight.

On the other hand, all diets listed here claim to have weight lose potentials. There is no perfect weight loss diet. Different diets work for different people. It is not practical for a vegetarian to use keto diet for weight loss. You should pick one that suits your lifestyle and tastes. The best diet for you is the one that you can stick to in the long term.

10 thoughts on “What Is The Best Diet To Lose Weight?

  1. Great post! There are lots of times when I or my family/friends are looking to lose weight and as such I am always looking for the best advice on doing so. The keto diet is something I see all over these days and I’ve been interested to try it. It looks similar to The Atkins Diet as it limits carb consumption. The Atkins Diet being number 1 on your list might add some more viability to the keto diet. I hadn’t heard of The Mediterranean Diet, but I like the food, so I might give this one a try too. You’ve referenced some excellent books here and I will bookmark your post for future reference, well done!

    1. Thanks for stopping by. You are right that Atkins diet and Keto diet are in the same class and they focus on low carbs and high fats, the Keto diet puts fats in more important part and requires 70% of your diet are come from fats.

      The ten diets are listed in alphabetically. As mentioned in the article, every one is different. You need to take what you have and start where you are. Don’t try to make huge change in your diets, but do it step by step and find your best way of losing weight.

  2. Wow, I didn’t realize there are so many diet programs that exist, but I do agree that the keto diet, by far, is the fastest to activate ketosis simply because the diet prescribes more fat consumption.  But what do you think of intermittent fasting?  I heard it activates ketosis at a much faster rate during the fasting period.  Is there a book you can recommend?

    1. Yes, Keto diet is the best way to activate ketosis, thus burn fat. Also when you use keto diet and you don’t feel hungry, it is fine that you don’t eat, since you enter ketosis and your body know how to use fat as energy. This is a kind of intermittent fasting, which can be practice whenever you feel comfortable. Here is book about intermittent fasting: Intermittent Fasting for Beginners: The Ultimate Weight Loss Guide and you can purchase from Amazon: https://amzn.to/2LJ7KXF.

  3.  KCancer, I have heard about some of these diets but I find your comparison of these, within the same parameters, very helpful. In choosing a diet as a weight loss program, it is most important that you choose something that you can live with, and habits that you can maintain. From your discussion, I like the Mayo diet, but I cannot live  with ‘no snacking’ and ‘no eating out. I like vegetables a lot but I know how unsatisfied I become when I eat meals with not even a little meat continuously. Of all of these, my favourites are the Mediterranean and the Paleo diet. It is good that I can expect to see results eating in either of those two diets. Thank you for the comparisons.

    1. As mentioned in the article, everyone is different. It is important to start where you are right now and make your diet. Pick the menus from the two diets and make them your own menus. The important is you need to have your plan and execute your plan accordingly.

  4. Lots of weight loss  plans! I have seen  friends spend lots of money on diet plans, lost weight only to gain it back again. i am fairly certain that a firm education about the foods you eat- especially fruits and veggies, no fast or processed foods, little red meat, low sugar and exercise daily is all you need, except for genetic issues. Health education and discipline are the keys to weight loss and good health, in my humble opinion.  The weight loss business is a big business. Have you ever bought any weight loss plan? Thanks for sharing.

    1. Agree with you that the most important step for you to lose weight is to have knowledge and determination. You need to understand why you are overweight and then you need determination to correct it.

      I have been practicing Keto diet for one year. It is hard in the beginning, since I grew up with rice and love rice. But I remove rice from my diet gradually and now I am fine without rice. Meanwhile my belly fat is almost gone!

  5. I am so pleased to see different diet structures with one aim of losing weight. It is necessary and vital to managing your weight with healthy eating. So many diseases are associated with obesity, this is a serious topic to consider.

    The sample diet for each program with pros and cons make the article really informative for everyone to compare and choose based on their need.

    I have seen people are rat racing for weight loss and slipping from the commitment of the program. Once you are out they come back to whatever they were in and start gaining weight again. 

    This article may help guide people to look at each diet thoroughly in one place to help them make an informed decision.

    1. Thanks for stopping by and your comments. You are right that many people try weight loss several times. The main reason is that they could not stick to the diet they choose.

      Remember weight loss need to have life style modification. Plan ahead with your overall plan. It is not easy, but with careful plan and determination, everyone could achieve his/her goals.

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