Dog Cancer Survival Guide

There are some scary statistics on the rise of cancer for our pets. At no time in history has it been more dangerous to be a house pet! I know it might seem like an odd thing to say, but it’s something that needs to be exposed.

Dog cancer survival guide

The statistics are incredibly troubling:

  • In the 1970s, Golden Retrievers on average would live to be 17 years old. NOW they average only 9 years …
  • Just 50 years ago only 1 in 100 dogs got cancer. Today, it’s 1 in 1.65 dogs that will be diagnosed with cancer this year!
  • Cancer is the leading cause of death among cats. 1 in 3 cats will be affected by this devastating disease this year alone.

But there is good news…

There’s a free 7-part docu-series airing online – starting on April 4th, 2018 – that provide pet cancer survival guide and could save your furry friend’s life.

When you watch this series – you’ll discover:

  • What your veterinarian won’t tell you about cancer. These little-known causes are the real reason for the alarming rates of cancer.
  • A proven natural therapy that can slash your pet’s genetic predisposition to cancer. May affect 5% of pet cancer cases … but it’s never mentioned in vet school.
  • The hidden dangers lurking in your home that are slowly destroying your pet’s health. Eliminating these are the first step on your cancer prevention quest.
  • How to heal your pet from cancer if they are diagnosed. Find out why your pets are at greater risk than humans – and the safe, natural therapies you can use to heal them.
  • Plus, much more pet cancer survival guide …

The pet cancer epidemic is real. Our pets can’t protect themselves – so it’s up to us to help them. It’s up to us to make sure we give them the best life possible.

Click here to register for this FREE series, right now!

Don’t have any pets of your own? I bet you know someone that does. Please consider forwarding this information to them and give them the greatest gift you ever could…

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