How To Improve Your Brain Power

Brain is the most powerful organ in the human body. There is unlimited capacity our brain can reach. From idea generation to idea execution, brain is in the central control. You all wish that you could get more done in a shorter amount of time and come up with unique solutions to problems that you might not be able to otherwise.

You can definitely improve your brain power to achieve your potentials. To improve your brain power, you need to understand your brain. Your brain is the most complex organ in your body. It has hundred billion neurons (nerve cells). And each of the neurons has multiple connections, which are all there for a purpose…

How to improve your brain power

It is a miracle considering how brain working. If you would like to support your brain and make sure it keeps up the good work and achieves the highest potential, there are indeed things you can do. Good brain hygiene is critical for you to reach your brain power goal.

​The Glymphatic System

Glymphatic system is an important waste clearance system for your body, particularly for your brain. Our brain uses this system to drain the toxins away while you sleep. Each night, during deep sleep, the brain shrinks and gets washed with cerebrospinal fluid, and this waste is carried through the glymphatic system and gets moved into the peripheral lymph.

While this is happening, the system is also bringing nutrients to neurons and removing toxicity out of the brain. This system is how our body keeps neurological degeneration and disease at bay, and is one of the most underappreciated but vital systems in our bodies. It is also a system that is delicate, easily injured and upset.

The best example of an injured glymphatic system comes from those who have had a traumatic brain injury. Well known examples include car crashes or professional athletes who have experienced multiple concussions. However, the day to day effects of our society has led to people with otherwise healthy functioning brains to suffer from injury to their glymphatic systems. Some of the modern-day culprits include improper sleeping habits and technology disrupting sleep patterns, which have a negative effect on our glymphatic system.

It is also important to support proper glymphatic drainage. The less congested the cervical lymph nodes and the entire lymphatic system, the better able the glymphatic system will be to drain and protect the brain against environmental exposures. When your system is overloaded with toxins that are only building and not draining properly, the glymphatic system becomes compromised.  There is only so much that can be done before the system is overwhelmed, and the toxins begin to attack your brain.

Ways To Nourish Your Glymphatic System

Drink a glass of water as soon as you wake up

Your brain shrinks over 60% every single night when you sleep.  That’s more than just a shocking statistic, it is a fact that you can use as a tool. If your brain shrinks to help the glymphatic system move toxins out of your body, then you have to help the brain fill back up with healthy fluids. You can do this by drinking a glass of water with electrolytes to promote hydration as soon as you wake up. Before you get up to shower or start your day, before your daily distractions pull you in, stop and have a drink.

Not only will this be essentially vital to your glymphatic system and brain health, but you will also find yourself more awake and alert every day. One easy way to remember to drink water in the morning is to fill a glass or water bottle in the evening, and put it next to your bed before you go to sleep. When you wake up you can have instant access.


Previously it was thought that the glymphatic system was only effective at night during sleep and was the only way to flush toxins from the brain, but a new study shows that exercise can positively affect the function of the glymphatic system.

So whether it is yoga, walking, running, golf, tennis, Zumba or any other form of exercise, it can help to increase glymphatic flow and support brain health.


Although exercising supports glymphatic flow, the glymphatic system doesn’t get activated until you are asleep. So great flow doesn’t help your brain unless it is paired with sleep.

The recommended amount of sleep for an adult is 7 to 9 hours. Our brain needs to be in a state of deep sleep for our glymphatic system to work.

It may feel like we do nothing while we sleep, but our bodies are working in overdrive to heal and maintain function. When you don’t get enough sleep the glymphatic flow is interrupted and toxins and infections can accumulate in the brain and lead to neural degenerative diseases or other brain symptoms.

Sleep posture of your brain

Most people are not aware that sleeping on a flat surface has the same negative impacts as sitting or weightlessness in outer space.

There is no real reason or logic behind why humans sleep on a flat surface. One day, someone decided to make a flat bed, and it must have caught on. Sleeping on a flat surface is not the norm in the animal kingdom. Most mammals will choose to sleep with their heads uphill if they can. Elk and deer, for instance, prefer to sleep with their head uphill.

Gravity inclined sleeping is exactly what it sounds like. Instead of sleeping on a flat surface, the bed is at a slight incline of 3.5 to 5 degrees. The main benefit behind inclined bed therapy is improved circulation of blood and lymph, simply by gravity. When you sleep, your brain detoxifies itself through the glymphatic system. Adding a five-degree incline to your sleeping surface can help the glymphatic system drain “downhill” to the gut to be excreted. This can help detoxify heavy metals, pathogens, and other harmful substances from the brain.

There is no real reason or logic behind why humans sleep on a flat surface. One day, someone decided to make a flat bed, and it must have caught on. Sleeping on a flat surface is not the norm in the animal kingdom. Most mammals will choose to sleep with their heads uphill if they can. Elk and deer, for instance, prefer to sleep with their head uphill.

Chronic Cerebrospinal Venous Insufficiency (CCSVI)

In CCSVI, the blood and lymph flow out of the brain is compromised, leading to neurological problems. It is well known that CCSVI symptoms worsen while lying flat.

Gravity inclined sleeping also has numerous benefits on the body structure. The slight incline is enough to restore the force of gravity on the body, straightening out the spine, as well as strengthening the muscles, fascia, ligaments, and tendons. Sleeping inclined can also help prevent degeneration of the spine and connective tissue associated with aging. In addition, it can help with poor postural conditions such as kyphosis, lordosis, and scoliosis, as well as reduce the symptoms of restless leg syndrome.

Sleep-disordered Breathing

Snoring and obstructive sleep apnea are major risk factors for about every disease due to a lack of oxygen during sleep. Sleeping on an incline helps to open the airway, alleviating snoring and restoring oxygen to the brain. The force of gravity from sleeping inclined also prevents acid reflux and heartburn.

3.5 to 5 degrees is the ideal incline for improved sleep. Folding just the head of the bed up with an adjustable bed frame will not work, the entire bed has to be on a slope. For a standard king or queen-sized bed, this comes out to adding roughly 6 inches of height to the head of the bed. Adding 3 inches of support to the middle of the bed frame may also be needed for stability. You can buy 6-inch risers online and click here for one example. To measure the incline of your bed, you could use a smartphone app called tiltmeter.

If necessary, you could use a Inclined Bed. It was created specifically to support proper sleep posture.

Sleeping on an incline can feel weird at first, although some people adjust with ease because it is only a modest incline. Some people may need to start with just a few inches and increase every week or two as they get used to it. Since it does increase detoxification from the brain, taking chlorella or another toxin binder before bed is recommended. It can take weeks of sleeping on an incline to start noticing improvements, with slow improvements over about 6 months. After the brief adjustment period, most people choose to never go back to sleeping flat again.

Infections and Neurological Diseases

Chronic infections are happening for most of us and we are generally not aware of them. They can affect you multiple times, slipping past your immune responses to target specific portions of your brain over and over again. These infectious microbes secrete exotoxins and wastes that attack the vulnerable parts of your brain, causing neurological diseases such as Alzheimer’s and other Dementia.

Chronic infections also help to contribute to autoimmunity. The buildup of toxins weakens your immune responses and causes gaps in the protection that your immune system is trying to provide.  The cycle of infection and a weakened immune system is a deadly force that is hard to stop once it has begun. To prevent chronic infection, your first line of defense is to continuously build and reinforce your immune system, so it does not have a chance to weaken any more than it already has.

Toxins Accumulating in Your Brains

We are exposed to a number of toxins in our daily environment. Every toxin that is in the environment will eventually be in our bodies. Neurotoxins are toxins that specifically target the nerves in our bodies. Once they reach their target, they attack and damage the brain, and this is one of the biggest contributors to neurological disease.

Nerves are not just electric wires, they serve a number of vital purposes. One of these is axonal transport, a system that moves nutrients from the brain to the cells. The neurotoxins use this transport system to travel into cells and do major damage.

Symptoms of neurological diseases, like brain fog and impaired memory, can start presenting almost immediately after the cells have been attacked by these toxins.

A few of the more prevalent toxins in our environment include wood preservatives, metals such as mercury, aluminum, and lead, petrochemicals, and pesticides. If that sounds like a lot, that’s because it is. These are just a few of the many toxins invading our bodies, and there is evidence that all of these toxins contribute to the deterioration of brain health in various ways. While there’s no way to completely avoid them, there are things you can do to support and protect your brain.

Protect & Nourish Your Brain and Enhance Your Brain Power

The most important thing to know is how your immune system responds to everything it interacts with. We are all exposed to various toxins and infections daily, but not all of them end up harming us. Each person is affected differently and not all of us end up developing the same neurological diseases. The difference is in each individual immune system response.

The key is to build up the strength of your immune system and its ability to fight against infections. This is one of the most powerful ways you can prevent neurological diseases.

Building up your immune system starts by ensuring your body’s glymphatic system is working properly and flushing out the harmful biotoxins that are secreting wastes into our brains.

When we’re talking about supplements to help you to increase your brain health, we want to focus on a couple of things. The main four are blood flow, lymph drainage, pathogens, and how to get environmental toxins out of your brain.

Blood flow and lymph drainage go hand in hand because, as mentioned earlier, your lymph and glymphatic systems use blood flow to drain toxins out of your brain. Your blood flow matters because that is how toxins leave your brain and allow your brain to heal.

Brain power

Brain power consists of herbs that increase blood flow in your brain. These herbs help with your memory, recall, mental clarity, focus, and concentration.

Baikalin powder

Baikalin powder contains skullcap, which is unique in what it can do for our brains. Our brain is made up of over 86 billion neurons, constantly firing messages back and forth to one another.

Production of neurons is a vital part of keeping our brains in top shape. Baikalin powder is known to increase the production of neurons. Increased production of neurons means not only that the messages in your brain are moving faster than before, but also that the toxins are being flushed out of your system more efficiently.

Biosil and Zeobind

Aluminum is one of the key reasons why our brains are in trouble.  When we look at dementia and children with autism, there is a statistically more significant amount of aluminum in their brains. Biosil h has active silicon, which is not only good for hair, skin, nails and connective tissue, but it’s also useful for aluminum detox. Zeobind is a highly concentrated form of silica to help bind and get aluminum out of our body.


Melatonin is another critical hormone that not only regulates the sleep-wake cycle but new research also confirms is critical for brain health. Melatonin is neuroprotective, helping to clear the brain of environmental stressors and pathogens. Most people are melatonin deficient, not producing enough natural melatonin, to feel these healing benefits.

We suggest liposomal melatonin, but there are multiple delivery options including creams and suppositories. Melatonin can be used at night and most often helps people sleep. If you find you have a melatonin hangover feeling, what we’ve discovered is that it’s not the melatonin but the mobilization of toxins out of your brain. So this is just a caveat; if this occurs, it is essential to work with your physician to help support your body. Sometimes pair melatonin with more binders or chelators are effective to mitigate symptoms.

Pineal code

Why are our brains so low in melatonin? The pineal gland is where melatonin is produced and it is being affected by so many things in our modern world, including fluoride, aluminum and EMFs. Pineal code helps create more resilience in your pineal gland and is a drainage remedy that helps the gland release toxins it has built up so your body can regain its own natural melatonin production.


Caffeine in moderate doses improves cognitive performance and reaction time. Take your time optimize your caffeine habit and ensure that it benefits your overall brain health.

Being in the present

Paying sustained attention to the present moment, our surroundings, physical sensations, our own thoughts and emotions in a non-judgemental way, has a capacity to ground, calm down, and re-energize us. The ability to mentally be in the present moment is not only associated with less stress and better subjective psychological well-being, but also with changes in the brain itself. These changes are noticeable after a few months of present practice.​

Social interactions

We are hard-wired for being connected with others. Being connected with others is also a prerequisite for our mental and physical health. When we talk about connections and interactions, we are not only talking about family and friends. Have you noticed how a quick exchange with a stranger can sometimes make your day? Next time, observe how you feel when you’ve just had an insignificant quick chat with someone.

Challenge yourself

Learning new things might help us preserve our full intellectual capacity as we age. People with more complex jobs have higher levels of cognitive functioning later in life. Speaking more than one language has the capacity to delay the symptoms of Alzheimer’s disease. Learning throughout life that might slow down cognitive ageing. What is clear, though, is that we cannot thrive without challenging ourselves. Complex activity activates pleasure centers in our brain. Having opportunities to learn new things makes for a happier life and is one of the ways how to keep your brain healthy.

4 thoughts on “How To Improve Your Brain Power

  1. Brain always fascinate me and thanks for sharing how to improve your brain. This is the first that I heard about the Glymphatic system But it makes a total sense. If your body detoxs the toxins I am sure that our brain does the same way aa well. I will make sure to drink a glass of water when I wake up and interact with people more. 

  2. Hey! I always enjoy reading about the brain and your article was no exception. I never would’ve imagined the brain shrinks around 60% while sleeping. In my experience, a good night of sleep, exercise, and a balanced diet help me get through much of my day without too much brain fatigue. Also, what you mention about social interaction is 100% true, I’ve noticed that if I’m feeling overwhelmed or stuck, a laugh with some of my friends always gets me back on track.

    Thanks for the information!

  3. First of all, this is an interesting and informative article. Thanks for that. 

    You are absolutely correct to mention many of us are not aware of the impact of sleeping on a flat surface. If sleeping inclined can help with sleep-disordered breathing and boost brain health, surely it’ll benefit our overall well-being in some way. Don’t you think so? I certainly hope it does because I find it difficult to fall into a deep sleep thus restless nights. I will check out the inclined bed in a bit. 

    Thanks again!

  4. A very interesting and informative article. I think the glass of water first thing in the morning is good for weight loss too. 

    Some of those supplements I have not heard of before so I will be doing some research on those, as the benefits you have mentioned would make it worthwhile taking them. I have for many years used grape seed extract capsules, which helps thin my blood and keeps my eyesight in good shape ( according to the literature ), but I am past 65 and have no need for prescription glasses. 

    Looking forward to checking out those supplements you mentioned. 

    P.S. I noticed the paragraph about Elks sleeping uphill is repeated. 

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