People with cancer are consumers of healthcare

What’s a hallmark of any premier consumer brand? They enable smart shoppers to get what we need, at just the right time. For example, if we buy a winter coat from an online marketplace, the shop encourages us to grab other gear—boots, a wool scarf, gloves—that further prepare us for the coming snow. It might…

Kcancer Alert

[feedzy-rss feeds=”This XML file does not appear to have any style information associated with it. The document tree is shown below.,2005:reader/user/10737724857908382832/state/ Alert – cancer 2017-09-14T19:18:45Z,2013:googlealerts/feed:12558559183605463350A Genetic Testing Company Just Screwed Up 50000 Cancer Screenings 2017-09-14T19:18:45Z 2017-09-[feedzy-rss feeds=”″ max=”5″ feed_title=”yes” refresh=”3_hours” title=”160″ meta=”yes” summary=”yes” summarylength=”160″ ]14T19:18:45Z And Lynch syndrome does not necessarily mean a…

Cancer Pen Could Detect Tumors During Surgery in Seconds

A handheld “pen” can detect cancer cells within seconds, speeding up diagnosis and helping surgeons more accurately remove tumors, researchers reported Wednesday. The probe works in real time, and is at least as accurate as removing a tissue sample and sending it to a pathologist, the team at the University of Texas at Austin reported….
